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![HOLD’EM OR FOLD’EM WITH T9o? [E7 Poker Strategy]](
Flix… keep this series going… Very great for analyzing GTo positionally and post flop situations
Villain value range- 78s/o, any 6 with K6/56/46 making a boat, 55, 44… although most of this is odd since he pot bet the turn which would likely cost villain value, and shoved the river which would not earn villain value unless it was 78s/o (especially 78spades makes most sense)
We have the Ace of spades so that's gone from all nut flush draws, all spade broadway combos will 3bet a button open or at least should, KK is obviously out since that's 3bet all in preflop crap.
Bluff range is mostly limited to 89 spades, 9T spades, 97 spades, and K5 spades thinking he turned two pair but the pot bet and river shove is still odd, possibly Q5 or Q4 spades?
Given that this is the microstakes villain does not bluff here often enough. You aren't beyond committed with only 18% of the smaller original stack invested in the total pot its a sad fold even though the only value hands he made into monsters are 78 and 44. The rest of the value range probably would not play like this post flop. NL50 and above this is a crying call given more opponent detail.
I have no idea what he has, but snap fold.
👍 9,10 dangerous hand #NotAFan great video as always 🚨
I pot villain on some kinda of draw on the flop, we are beating busted FD but losing to the 78 that got there. Without any read on villian I'm folding as it appears he is trying to extract max value vs a strong range give we 3bet his donk. Villian usually has 78 in this spot.
I say call. I know, its tough to call off your entire stack with a bluff catcher. But the story, this guy is telling, makes no sense. If he had KK, he would have 3-bet preflop. And if he had 6X or 55, he would have played the flop and turn completely differently. So the only hands in his range, which possibly beat us, are hands, which he turned into bluffs on the turn, but which improved on the river. Which is pretty much only 87 and maybe 44.
And here is the thing. If he is bluffing the turn with 87 and maybe 44, what else is he bluffing with? He is likely a player, who get involved in WAY to many pots, so his range is inherently wide and weak. And since he cant win at showdown, he is just trying to get Hero to fold with whatever nonsense, he have.
Maybe he is even overvaluing a worse hand sometimes. Perhaps he actually did improve on the turn with K5 and think, he is about to stack someone with AK. Not realizing that his low pair is counterfeited. So I really think, this is a situation, where you need to close your eyes and call. Nothing this guy has done in the hand tell us, that we need to give him respect for only having hands, which beat us. Im just curious if i play well that hand
Okay… Würds wohl einfach folden, auch wenns schwer fällt. Wir liegen gegen viele komisch gespielte 6x hinten. Preflop slowgespielte Kings haben uns beat, die durchaus so spielen könnten. Am River kommt auch noch mit 78 die Straße an. Vorne liegen wir noch gegen gebustete FD´s. Nur spielen die immer so ne Linie? Wenn es ein Maniac ist, würd ich wohl doch den crying call machen, weil die hier auch mal sowas wie 74, KT+ in spade und A4, A5, A7, 34, 74 in Herz halten können. Gegen Reg ist es aber wohl ein klarer Fold. Spielt aber noch die Tabledynamik eine große Rolle. Wie schnell hat er gesetzt und gecallt. Ist es Zoom oder Regular Table. Wenn Regular: Was ist vor der Hand passiert. Ist er evtl Tilt oder so. Schwieriger Spot. Aber alles in allem wohl ein Fold und ich spar mir die 81 BB für klarere Spots.
I would definitely fold the aces.
The range the BB is repping I believe is 87 heats or spades or 55 or some sort of 6x… I'm thinking the 10 cent bet on the flop is a huge tell… I've seen it a bunch where an opponent hits their hand but doesn't want the other person to fold, so they bet something so marginal that a monkey could know that their pot odds are correct to call.
Anyways I believe the pot sized bet on the turn was to either rep a big hand like pocket fives or a 6, or a straight/flush draw of some sort that can turn into a bluff on the river. Either way not looking good when that 4 hits.
Way more than likely he has us beat. What are we beating here?…
The only thing our opponent could have is some sort of KQ hand that floated the pot and sucked out on the turn, other than that maybe tens or jacks?… (could be queens but i woulda thought that would have given more pressure pre flop…)
Either way, hes repping a large draw with that turn raise, with most of those draws getting there on the river. Or hes had us crushed from the flop… with 55, 6x, 8s7s, 8h7h,
The only thing we beat is KQ (Maybe KJ or K10) and Pocket 10's and Pocket Jacks, (Maybe 9's, although not likely…)
I say fold.