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You got me thinking about how much % of hands should i defend depending on villains tendencies and what position he raised from. you said you should defend 100% of suited hands to a min raise from cutoff with 15bb, so my stack seize matters. is it really that different when vllain raises to 2.5x? or 2.2x? thanks for making me think. good luck today WCOOP main events 22/09/19
So, according to that last chart KK is not in our range.
Ummmmm huh?
How is JJ not in range?
What software are you using ? Do these charts come with poker coaching . Com ?
Ty Ty Ty
I enjoyed this because 15-20bb small stakes tournaments has been my wheelhouse for years now. I spend most of my poker life in these positions. What I learned from this video is that I am probably folding too much in the marginal positions, mostly because I have not been correctly applying long term equity strategy properly. Cheers, good info.
Nnnnnoooo i play low stack game everyones going to get better now lol
If players are equal and there is no rake, short stacking is far superior to deep stack play, because of game mechanics, especially in PLO and PLO8
I messaged all my friends an idea I had to "nerf" short stacks in poker last week
Basically when players are all in and there is a dry side pot, 1 sb is taken from the main pot and put into the side pot. When players on the side fold, they forfeit the side pot, but their hand is kept and they still qualify to win the main pot.
(If there is no dry side pot, players that fold still qualify for the main pot)
This takes away most of the advantages short stackers have against big stacks, and rewards players for playing deep and doubling up. You wouldn't see short stack pros nearly as often, and players wouldn't leave the table, simply because they are a monster stack.
The way poker is right now, the short stacks benefit from side pot betting, as players that fold on the side are denied equity. That equity is transferred to the players in the hand still, like the short stack.
Why should the short stack benefit from players betting on the side?
Thanks once again Jonathan. It's serendipitous I suppose lately I'll be confronted by scenarios and you post a video addressing it… Bgood