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Unlucky , coulda been a lot worse
Too bad ya didn’t hit the set. JJ is always a tough hand to play.
Easy to lose $ with unless you hit the board.
If you think that you can push out straight / flush chasers on that board with that bet, I would suggest moving to lower limit tables. On a 360 pot (including your 75 bet) nobody would fold such a cheap turn card, and your bet shows weakness as well, making it more likely for people to ‘bluff’ when a spade comes. You know on that board you simply have to take your winnings when you can, so either overbet (150 / 200) as you know your JJ is probably still the best hand on that board, and if somebody calls / re-raises rethink your hand / position. On that flop somebody with 2 ♠️ still has a 47% chance of winning – and if he has overcards to your JJ even above 50%. Sometimes showing weakness (no continuation bet) is showing the most strength…….let that sink in for a moment