4 thoughts on “Low Stakes Poker Strategy: How To Use Overbets For Extreme Value

  1. I'm so confused. Are there poker tournaments where you start 1,500 big blinds deep? Never seen this on my poker clients.

  2. That is exactly where I'm at in my short-lived poker career. That was super informative and I am definitely going to apply thank you very much.

  3. On the turn.. was there just no fear that he has a 3? Is that because the odds are a 3 wouldn't have called the pre flop and flop?.. if he did call and checked the river.. wouldn't a check back be okay because if it is a missed flush you win the pot. If he called river it means he has a 3 and you lose alot more? I'm somewhat new and trying to get better just trying to understand what I'm missing.

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