Poker Strategy Info And Source:
PokerCoaching coach Justin ‘JustGTO’ Saliba will give you lessons on how to master gto strategies and use them at the table! For more high-level strategy content, take ADVANTAGE of our PokerCoaching PREMIUM SALE here:
In this video he uses some poker hands that he has played in high stakes poker MTTs to show you exactly how a GTO poker solver would play.
He discusses the GTO strategies for hands you can choose to bluff check raise with. You must make sure that you use a balanced range to give you board coverage on high equity turns. It is important to have an overcard to the top pair on the board with your second card typically low and connected to the lowest card on the board.
The game of poker has evolved over the past few years and poker solvers are becoming more and more popular, don’t fall behind the curve!
Source: YouTube

What is one solver lesson from this video that you are going to use the next time you sit down at the poker table? 😄
This is fantastic content. Where could I find this type of content for deeper (preferably live) cash game analysis? Have been looking all over. Would pay!
how are you unblocking opponent’s 7’s with 86? Wouldn’t 86 be blocking 7’s?
Why is T9dd specifically a high frequency bluff? it blocks straight draws and also diamonds. Usually you see combo draws giving up on the river, but not in hand 2
I'd definitely consider myself a new player bc I've been playing and studying for about half a year now and I do understand the concepts but GEEZ this is next level. I am nowhere near good enough for this to be applicable to me haha. I love this game because it is just so smart
Sorry man, already subscribed!
Im going to look into Overcard and low suited undercards—whether they work as checkraises deeper—I generally play cash…
Man this video is awesome, thanks for the video some great concepts on show
Wow, Justin explains in such an easy way to understand! : D
Meeeee toooo. I wish I could keep up with this, maybe revisit in a few years?