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GENERAL RULES for poker DO NOT WORK. You need to adjust to the nitty or loose factor of your table ALWAYS throughout the night….yes, you can steal and steal profitably, but you'll also get called by the wrong table.
dont 3 bet j7s
insightful, please don't play against me
Your awesome Assassinato
Most live fish won’t even 4 bet qq or kk lol
Calling is just Gambling =. Excellent Comment !!
What a crock of bad . In the game of hi stakes NL hold em, the variance can run bad for years…and you can 3 bet yourself into bankruptcy.
The casino tournament I play in the open size is usually 5x in first few levels – and no 3bet amount won't get multi callers unless you went crazy to 30+ BB's — it's such a bad game. The players have no respect for the action and just see that you start with 20k and blinds at 25/50 – so 2k is only a little of their stack with a playable hand. I do 3bet a lot at times later but find early is too hard because my postflop game is too restricted vs 3 or 4 callers. The upside is if you get aces and don't double it's a fail. If you hit any value you should get massively over paid.
Thank You for reminding me not to be such a nit at the cash games! I started playing super, super tight after losing 4 months in a row…. What is your recommendation/thoughts for that situation?
I usually play in Germany or Czech rep (Kings Casino). As alex said here it this is well too known (unfortunately)