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As we approach the halfway mark in the Negreanu vs Polk High Stakes Feud we find Polk up to his usual tricks going for a huge river bluff (350% pot to be exact) with just 8 high!
It would be interesting to see what Negreanu would have done with more marginal hands on the river and whether Polk’s insane bluff might have actually worked against two pair type hands. What do you think?
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Source: YouTube

What would YOU do with 8♦ 2♦ on the turn?
Your Stack: $76,115
Their Stack: $83,515
Board: A♠ 9♣ J♦ 7♣
Pot: $6,770
Negreanu checks
A) Check
B) Bet 30% pot
C) Bet 100% pot
D) Bet 300% pot
Well. If I'm ever going to bet 3x the size of the pot for value (which I honestly don't) I need to be doing it as a bluff too.
This is definitely a polar spot, and we are at the stone bottom of our range with 82
So let's blast it.
A, Overbet was a clear fail and your hand is bad.
If we bet big here, we are saying like AQ+ but are we betting big with one pair on the turn? If Doug bets big on the turn we are definitely polarized to probably two pair or better or complete air. Betting small doesnt accomplish anything. I mean it is probably a check (try to spike our gutter) or bet big (100% pot, not a 3x pot bet which is just as bad as betting small IMO). and hope to get Daniel to fold a jack or nine (or like 78) because I doubt he is folding an ace.
B) 30%
I disagree with playing 8 2. That hand sux.
Bet 3/4 pot
Poor doug
This vid blows my mind.
Isn't this a flop where actually you should bet small with a wide range, rather than big with a narrow range? It doesn't seem like a small bet option was given to the solver, which is why it's checking 75% of the time, maybe if you give it an option for a 1/3 pot bet, most of these checks and some of the bigger bets will switch into this new option?