Only The TOP 1% of Poker Players Know This

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Only the top 1% of poker pros are using this advanced strategy these days. Learn this elite poker strategy in this video.

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Source: YouTube

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Only The TOP 1% of Poker Players Know This

10 thoughts on “Only The TOP 1% of Poker Players Know This

  1. Do you use this advanced poker strategy? Also, here is the #1 reason why most people lose at poker (Avoid this!)

  2. Thanks for another great video. What is the best flopzilla type calculator you recommend for Mac?

  3. I am a novice. How often are you going to get to show down with A3s? If you do not get to show down, then your weak hands have no value concerning a balanced range. Also, you say 4 bet 75 % strong hands 25% weak hands. You may need to play many sessions, with different players, to be presented with the 4-bet opportunity, so you are the only one that knows that you have a balanced range. Please make a video that
    explains this concept a little further.

  4. Mahalo for the great vid. I did that 2x today, A6s and 9Ts. Was getting killed IP, so I did these from the SB, against a vvTAG. Both worked well, as I learn more how/when to run a bluff, when I don't hit the flop. Learning to play more LAG, keeping LAG and TAG balanced, and mixed!. ty again.

  5. Just a question about how you would apply this in a live game where the raises pre-flop are typically larger. For example, in a 1/2 game, fifteen or twenty dollars might be the standard pre-flop raise. Often more than half the limpets will call that much, so if you really want to get heads-up, it might take twenty-five or thirty. However, three bets are rare, and often they will be min-raises, say to forty or fifty at the most.

    So, if I raise to twenty and get three bet to fifty and I have 180 (90BB) left in my stack, what’s my goal? Do I want them to fold and I take their fifty, or do I want to 4Bet smaller, leaving myself with not enough stack behind to fold? In these games, any premium hand is likely to call, but they think J9 suited is a premium hand, and JT suited or off is unfoldable.

    Asking Nathan, but I would like opinions from all.

  6. Good information but I'm curious about how important balancing the 4 bet range is when in a huge field MTT. You might lose a pile of chips then get moved to another table. I've probably got the wrong idea but if anyone can explain I'm all ears.
    I think in a cash game it's a great streak but I'm not sure about online MTTs.

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