Poker Strategy Info And Source:
There is no sweeter feeling in poker than to be dealt pocket aces when playing in a deep stacked cash game! This is exactly the situation that poker vlogger Lex O poker finds himself in playing at the Wynn Poker Room in Las Vegas.
What makes this poker cash game hand even more exciting is that he faces a preflop 3bet from a villain who then decides to call his 4bet. There is already $1,000 (100 big blinds) in the pot heading to the flop!
It is always important to recognize who your opponent is at the table and adjust your poker strategy accordingly. Are they a poker professional or a recreational poker player?
Remember to realize that some portion of the time your opponents will look to bluff you off hands when you decide to play more passively postflop.
Source: YouTube

As I've said before two pair is deceptively weak. The over bet told me he had AQ, KQ, QTs,QJs, Q9s, etc
Our opponent has the nut advantage. They have AQ, KQs, QJs, and 99. What hands are we trying to get value from? KK, JJ and TT. We are not afraid of any turn card really.
We either bet very small or check behind hoping to induce bluffs on the turn (which is very likely).
Bet 700
$300, keep all the draws and bluffs in, block AQ, AK, KQ is unlikely, so leaves the top of our opponents range to KK's, JJ's
Love you reviewing Lexo!! He’s also my favorite. Learned a lot from him
Bet $1,000
I don’t know much about super deep stacked spots but my guess would be you need to check even AA here because you have no defense against ruthless aggression
Check it back
A 4bet very deep feels the same as playing a rbet pot with 100BB deep. Normally I do an 1-3 bet on flop a 50/67% bet on turn and a jam on the river on most run outs. Although the flop is far from perfect its still an position to go all in with three betting rounds (especially against a wild player). I would bet 1/3 on flop. And on most turns bet bigger (or check and than raise the river). Off course we loose sometimes