Poker Strategy Info And Source:
Bart discusses a hand that he played in the middle of Day 2 of the $10,000 main event tournament vs Stephen Chidwick from the LA Poker classic.
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Source: YouTube

What adjustments are you planning to do on the future against this villain after seeing this hand? Do you think the way he played his hand is exploitable in any way?
He does have sdv vs your most natural semibluffs JTs/T9s/J9s/67ss. Playing some fds as a check allows him to have a 3 street defend on spade runouts and flushes when the flop checks through.
Are these videos available anywhere on the Internet as a video podcast (free)? I want to use a pod catcher to get them and store them on my phone. YouTube cannot store videos on your phone for free. Thanks!
Terrible turn call