Poker Strategy Info And Source:
In this hand we flop bottom two on a monotone flop vs two players. How should we proceed in the hand?
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Graphics – Peter O’Neill
Source: YouTube

Bart Hanson International Man of Mystery Poker Hand Analysis
I am pretty curious what the CO had in this hand. Most people on this level check back or bet smaller with a king. And if he had something better than AK, I expect a lot of bet-calls from a recreational player. Maybe this guy is better than hero thinks. I guess KQ is the only hand that really makes sense here unless CO is either pretty bluffy (can't have the Ad) or capable of big folds
Cheers for the advice Bart, happy new year
Hey Bart and co. I have a question about strategy for low stakes. Bart is always saying that people can’t have Jacks queens Kings or aces because they didn’t preflop. And I know traditionally that is true. But how do you face these old men that will either limp call down with an overpair or just flat and call down with an over pair? Recently I’ve really run into it a lot, and they’ll literally limp with jacks up front, call a raise and if a king or ace comes up they’ll pitch it for the minimum. Is that a good strategy?
interesting hand and good analysis
I think hero should 3 bet. This is the perfect opportunity to look stupid strong, and it will give one more way to win the pot.
Oh Bart talks about it.
I haven't played in LA, but if someone raises out of turn, the raise stands unless the action changes. So, if I have a monster preflop and someone raises out of turn, I limp/flat, allow the raise to stand, hope for a few callers so I can 3-bet with lots of dead money. I've seen villians bet big out of turn on the river, apologize, and get let off-the-hook because the hero doesn't check-raise. The hero bets and the villain folds. In my games, I consider this a massive mistake. In LA, can players bet out of turn with no consequences? If so, is that rule common or rare?
Seems pritty standard not sure why you called in