Poker Strategy Info And Source:
In this hand we end up in a 3 bet pot vs two players and face some very unusual action. Should we just call off given our opponents line doesn’t make sense, or do they just have what they are repping? What would you do?
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Graphics – Peter O’Neill
Source: YouTube

Tough spot. Sometimes you're just destined to lose.
Fold. All I have is a pair and two all in raisers. I have a back door straight and a back door straight flush draw. Again, no need to do all the math here. This is a clear fold for me. I have stopped the video bf the hero has made his decision. Now let's see if I made the right decision.
Boom! I'm still in the game. Good fold Jimmy. I owe it all to Stu Unger's quote…Fold and live to fold again.
I have actually been in a very similar spot. Only difference I had the AQ on BTN and not AA on Q high board. The Villain in my hand also showed up with QQ, and if you think about it, this is, what he will have most of the time. If he is a decent player, his range for cold calling a 3-bet from the blinds is very narrow, and QQ is part of it.
And as Bart say, it makes no sense for him to bluff, when the third guy is already all in. So while I hate to put my opponent on just one hand, this is a spot, where we can reasonably do it and make the fold. And remember we still get to see his hand, since he still have to show down against the other guy.
Seems like the difficult fold makes the most sense. The other guy is already all in, so what is he re-raising with that aces beats? Especially when you hold the nut flush blocker. Easy to see both sides but you can’t get married to the aces in that spot as you are behind wat too often. Good discussion
I love your analysis of hands. Thank you Bart!!
Hmm tough spot, I think you have to make an explorative play here dependent on what you know about the player… If you think he's trapping sometimes with KK then call if not then I think fold.
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what about qq, should he really shove there ?
listened to over 100 of these and this call w/ a back-raise 3-bet flop in a 3-bet pot w/ a cold caller takes the cake. The cutoff player stating he had a Q adds so much info…it feels llike a plo hand… one in 100k type hand.