Poker Strategy Info And Source:
We 3 bet AJo and flop top pair but take a pot control line. When we face a river in we have to ask how much players bluff at these stakes or if our hand in too under repped to fold.
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Graphics – Peter O’Neill
Source: YouTube

Well! I can't believe that the hero 3-bet pre-flop, checked flop, then called river… I guess 1/3 isn't dead after all!
In 2005, not long after I started playing poker, I coined the term “law of inevitable trips.” This basically means that if there is a pair on board and anyone raises or bets out of flow, then someone always has trips (or better) no matter how unlikely that may seem.
At the time this applied to limit games with inexperienced players, but the rule now applies to whatever the lowest no-limit game in the room is. Occasionally the rule is not correct, but it is correct so often that you can play optimally by following it.
You need serious help from Bart. Start packing you beg! You play too tight and that's how you get punished by the worst player at the table.
fold river…for sure…villain has a ten or 77, if he is as represented.
i think i'd have bet out on that flop…might have saved hero a lot of money since a call represents a lot of strength, and a raise is a snap-fold.
to answer callers question imo the players who are good enough or bad enough to bluff rivers stand out at low stakes.