Poker Strategy Info And Source:
C-betting has become one of the golden standards of poker. These days, it’s not uncommon to see people constantly continuing their preflop aggression on the flop. But are they making a mistake?
C-betting out-of-position vs a preflop cold caller is a common situation that can be tough to deal with, especially since the caller will often have the range advantage on most boards. In this week’s video, Uri gives a quick strategy crash course on how to approach continuing on the flop after getting flatted by a player in position. is LIVE! Come check out Uri Peleg’s groundbreaking new poker strategy course, “Red Line – Philosophy and Practice”, to master your red-line and learn little-known solver-approved techniques for beating even the toughest games. Be sure to also check out our Preflop Solutions, for advanced, up-to-date ranges that are applicable to a wide variety of games. (We accept requests!)
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Source: YouTube

A big live play tip for casino play! 😊
OTB championed this play, long time ago.
Anyone with any sense knows not to cbet OOP in a SRP very often. You can do better than this video
Checking everything as OOP is giving up too much EV. Go look at a COvsBTN SRP spot on a K high board – that is pretty much a range bet. If you start checking range here I can just check a bunch of my hands back as BTN and now we get to play a 2 street game with me in position and you struggling to get stacks in.
Why are you coaching these peasants?
I know many youtube channels do the whole "insert short highlight at the beginning" thing; but it's designed for long videos, where content varies throughout, so that a viewer will wait for that short joke and average watchtime increases. For videos like this it's absolutely unnecessary – if I'm interested in a topic, I'm gonna watch the whole vid anyway, and may be more than once. So it's always just confusing, like any random sentence out of context; perhaps you guys should consider abandoning it, and simply start the video where it actually starts.
I would love to hear you talk a little bit on how strategies change when going from 100 bb to 200-300 bb.
Did not understand 70% of content.
Particularly not a “sample” at 2:07 , what is my position in this hand (SB, UTG, BTN?)? Do I check OOP all time? Is there any exception?
Preaching against a Cbet is pretty brave thing. I (SB) 3bet pocket AA, then checked a dry board (73Jr), give my opponent (89o) free turn card (T), and he completes his hand or gains huge EV (whatever it is)?? Then what? Slap myself cuz I played my AA too slow?!🤦♀️in situation when SPR is low? Yes, I want it to be low in this particular hand. To either force my opponent out (over pair protection) or to make him pay huge for a speculative hand draw.
Speaking too fast, (no full stops between two different thoughts?) too confused, …too many things left to presume.
No example given? Is this for high and mid stakes poker only? What about low stakes?
The idea to present something new is to be appreciated, however, the presentation just makes one to walk away. And that intro is completely useless. Wasting time.
ADVICE: Edit or post new video that would be more comprehensive. Thank you.
short and sweet and so valuable. it's almost funny how often i cold call with a 55-TT and yet when I open KK, get cold called, and the board comes 5 8 T my dumbass intuition tells me i'm in great shape because I don't see an ace