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In this hand we make a light flop call with a gutshot but hit it on the turn. Bart and the caller discuss if and when we should be raising our hand for value.
Source: YouTube

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Wow I hate the way you play this entire hand. If you're gonna play such scared money, can you be profitable, shrug I dunno. Hate the limp pre. Calling after is fine. Think folding after getting another caller would be awful. You're call on the flop screams fish. Then you make what is basically the nuts because you call with your low end gutter, then you're scared to try and profit with it. Gross dude
Hate to say but the caller is definitely a losing player. I mean if you are going to chase a gut shot on a 2 suit board and hit it you have to get some value for the times you don't hit it. And on top of that you get a no flush run out and the SB leading into you which is the dream. Bad players always put their opponent on that one hand that beats them and nothing else and end up making almost nothing with nutted hands.
Would raising the flop be better than calling as the caller did? the button is going to be c-betting this board very frequently and a raise could just take down the pot with 6-high with a lot of turn cards to barrel if he gets a caller.
Hero's mistake
a) Limping 56ss in Co, it should be a raise. Take initiative instead of calling bets
b) Dislike the flat call, if wanted to proceed with gut shot, consider a c/r instead of flatting, but hero had only less than 200bb, which means I don't like the flat.
In short run, even though you hit your straight on turn, it is negative ev play
1) Don't limp.
2) x/r flop and make it nice and big. Everyone is so capped, and you can have tons of strong hands.
I'm making it $100 and then jamming the turn if I bink or gain equity.
Why are you calling the flop if you're not going to get max value?
loveing nit
so mister with the hand , youre a passive fish like most of the begginers when you turn up straight YOU HAVE THE NUTS and you always raise that turn without exception. ah and one more thing if she has JT you should get it in and not even care to lose because it is what it is, you lose sometimes but playing reactive like that is just so lovein disgusting! sorry but its true.
ah and bad review from the host , he didnt mentioned some very important things about the hand.
BART surely there’s an argument that with the additional caller he is getting better odds to call to see a turn card as opposed to it being a factor for not peeling the flop
Bart hinted at it, but something that needs to be said is NEVER draw to a gutshot on a two flush board that isn't the nuts. The RIO are MASSIVE. The spade that has you completing the straight can have you drawing dead, and there are higher gutshots that can have you dead too. Plus you still have to fade river flushes. If you're going to draw so thin it should be directly to the nuts, AND you should be closing the flop action.
I'd say you're probably losing way more money on a call like this in the long run.