Poker Strategy Info And Source:
In this poker strategy video from Guerilla Poker, highstakes poker coach Uri Peleg takes us through the fundamentals of donk-betting.
Part 1 –
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What is donk-betting? Donk-betting is the act of betting into an opponent who raised on a previous betting round, instead of letting them continue to be the aggressor. It’s a bold and unexpected move, so many players freeze up and make mistakes when they see it.
Source: YouTube

Loved these videos! The production quality is great and the content is beyond amazing. May I ask what the plans for are? Will it be a coaching site?
Nice series!
The final comments of the first video indicated that the goal was create a strategy for donk bets from players of which you don't have any knowledge about. However, this video focuses on two types of players/donking ranges, ie, you're creating a strategy vs a known player/range. In this case, you must have knowledge of your opponent's strategy.
How would you go about creating a strategy against a true unknown? Will a future video discuss this?
I initially expected the solver to like the donk on this low board. Thinking more its hard to say if Tony has more of a SB range or a BB range as the was staddle on. I ran a sim with a SB range for Tony and got no donks which is expected, I rarely (never?) see a SB range like donking. If I however gave Tony a tighter BB range, where I reduced the number of offsuit and weakest Kxs,Qxs I start to see a donking range, driven by the larger amount of trips as a % of the overall range. I think donks on low boards can be a good strategy. If the OOP doesn't include donks in their range, then the IP needs exploit it by checking more. Really like the video and how you describe the approach, keep it up!