Poker Strategy Info And Source:
In this call Bart and the caller discuss the merits of buying in shorter as you move up a level and how you want to approach your first time playing new stakes. Is KQos an open from up front?
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Graphics – Peter O’Neill
Edited by – Anita Lai
Source: YouTube

The thing to be a chicken if u don’t max buy in or if u don’t cbet is maybe his biggest leak in his game. He has to trust his fear. In this case, it makes him play better than if he was reckless
Gotta move to Tampa 😊
Poker is dead.
Florida poker = NUTS.
how about just calling the blind UTG with that hand? i know people generally frown on this but it can make sense..
“ I didn’t want to be a chicken.”
The best reason I’ve ever heard for a pre-flop raise.
Great video Bart. This was awesome! Your definitely right about not playing anything lower then a 2/3 game. However, i do think 2/3 100-300 buy in is profitable at about 20-30 an hour for a solid player if not more. Also, I'm calling the blinds with KQ utg all day until i see a massive raise…i understand the caller's call on the turn it's 25$ to win 150. On that river card i think a good bet would be 200$ that's about the most he can win on that lucky 10. I also can understand the guys jam with AA on the river. May as well get MAX VALUE with your set. He is only behind one hand which is KQ lol…
KQo utg 9-handed is a fold in every open-raise chart i've seen
The lesson I took from this is I need to move to Florida
If he playing 2-5 I can't wait to meet and play you yanks lol when I come to vegas this weekend 😎 good show and hand skills let's crush