Poker Strategy Info And Source:
In this hand the caller thinks about making a Hero call with just AK high in a multiway spot with a player left to act behind him. Bart discusses the perils of this type of play.
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Graphics – Peter O’Neill
Edited by – Anita Lai
Source: YouTube

That's a classic expression at 7:47. I always enjoy your videos, Bart.
AK is clearly a call all the way down on this textured board obviously especially with the cap l, wtf.
I’m cool with the call if there wasn’t action behind. The lady looked like she picked up equity on the turn and can have every heart combo.
raise bigger pre. as played, fold turn.
Live 1/2 is a ridiculous game. I know, believe me i know. I play a 300 cap game in my local, well know, east coast casino. A few times a week. N effective stacks range from 50 to 1000 lol. I sat down at a table this past Tuesday night. And the first hand I see shown down, (as I take my seat). Is two players turning over 8 4 off, on a 4 blah blah whatever ace high board… And chopping the pot!! At 1/2 if u three bet A/K and get cold called. N initial raiser and a caller complete… N u don't crush the flop. AND a J hits. My god man, Just throw it away, (or i guess jam it in and pray?) No other choice. Floating in these types of games is super sketch, because so often one of your over makes villian 2 pair.. On a J high board, ur up against KJ JJ AJ. That's the raise 3bet call range of at least 2 of your incompetent villians. N your cold caller in position can have any pair here. Figuring original raiser n caller have no 4 bet balls without AA or KK n r just completing. And if he's a decent player, he's getting great odds/implied odds to set mine. 44+ etc etc. Unless you know your villians very well. As was stated. These hands play so face up, that the one out of 8 times you catch a bluff. Sure u look like a hero. But the other 7 times?? Get out the lighter fluid man. Throw that $150 u put in post flop, right on the felt. N light that bad on fire.
Being that hero is probably 3 betting JJ+ AK being that thi is live 1/2, he should be jamming flop 100% of time w his range and just realize his equity
Caller hinted at the fact that his opponents don't generally pay attention to game flow and will usually (always?) donk when they have a hand. This dynamic, which i have also experienced with recreational players, can really change the relative strength of your hand, even a hand like A high, because it makes everybody's checking range extremely weak, and therefore makes these two admittedly very, very light calls more profitable. I'm not sure that phenomenon alone is enough to justify this play, but its probably much closer than Bart and all the learned critics in these comments realize. My call would be to fold the turn, even in this kind of game, but, as played and with 5:1 odds the river call is probably +ev.
I think any Jack calls not just AJ
Lmao everything this guy is saying so bad bad bad 🤣
The facial Expression says it all @ 7:43. Glad he called in though.