Poker Strategy Info And Source:
In this hand we flop a huge draw 3 ways. Should we try to find some fold equity or should we invite other players into the pot to give ourselves a better price?
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Source: YouTube

I would have shipped it on the flop. I guess I have a lot to learn…
Would u ever fold the nutflush draw on the flop 3way even if u know u are against a set ?
I love the videos Bart. Thank you
I'm with Bart here. We have no fold equity against the BB check-raise, and we're getting direct odds to draw for another $65. Plus since we have to make our hand anyways, I want to flat and hope to bring in the button behind us. I usually only jam draws if I think I have fold equity, but after someone check-raises to $100 with just another $150 behind I don't expect to fold almost ever.
Ive almost never seen a check raise in 1/2 games with just top pair. This is 2pair plus all day.
Looks like a PLO hand 😬
BART, you gotta Jam the Flop here. It is definitely 100% the best move at 1-2. I know this doesn’t happen at 5-10 usually, but some people will actually lay down the Ace-High Flush draw in a 1-2 game. An All-In, should fold out the competition some decent % of the time, and their is already enough in the pot, to fully commit to the hand. What if you just call, blank the turn, and now the B.B. shoves? Your gonna feel a lot sicker at that point, than you would if you just grew some Balls, and Jammed it in on the Flop Homie
If I was playing in a game where my opponents were elastic enough to fold the nut flush draw for any price…I may be in the wrong game.
Uk calling……Just came across your videos. Love the analysis.
Nothing wrong with calling a wide range in position when very deep stacked, interesting that caller thinks he is crazy, 5 9 off is way more likely to get you paid than A K when you hit, of course you have to be getting a decent price and have great implied odds, encouraging to hear that this strategy comes off as being crazy, cause it is pretty normal for deep stacks