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Should we turn a hand has good as AQ high into a bluff when it appears that our opponent is value betting with something better on the river? Bart analyzes this wild bluff at the low stakes.
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Graphics – Peter O’Neill
Edited by – Anita Lai
Source: YouTube

Wild bluff at 1/3… just from the title I can tell this isn't going to be profitable over the long term
Hero should bet turn for thin value protection. Hero has more 7x in his range compared to utg range. Bet the turn and set up a river shove to get villain to fold over pair some of the time or a hand like T9s or J10s on the river. Hero essentially caps his range at 8x, T9s, small pair, or over cards when he checks back turn. Hero is not repping much on river besides J9s or quad 7s that checks turn.
Turn ($90) 8775hh
Utg X, hero ($305) $75, Utg calls.
River ($240) 8775T
Utg X, hero all in $230.
Not sure about 3betting preflop. Win small pot but low stakes tend to over fold to 3bets preflop, so hero makes more money long run by realizing equity IP vs their postflop mistakes.
I think it's more probably T9 than 96. Why would he check 96 on the turn?
9:20 If that isn’t the most true thing I’ve ever heard about 1/3 idk what is. People will call down with any two pair regardless of the board. When I ask if they realized if there was a 4 flush or straight out there, they’ll say “oh I didn’t even realize.” Had to learn the hard way not to bluff in these small games.
He’s never folding 96 there. It’s a cash game, not a tournament. Dude did not have 96.
I’m not saying the guy did fold 96 here but in these kind of games when a tight player tank shoves on the river, 96 is just a bluff catcher. If you think this isn’t the kind of player that will bluff off very often then you can pretty easily fold 96 here.
9 minutes odd you fu…ing what Bart!?!? 🤭
P.s. Been good watching you play at the bike recently!
Nice one.
Poker will always be profitable
Stop trying to be a low stakes hero, bet for value and don’t try to bluff people off hands, simple formula to beat low stakes.
Isnt this sorta fish flop fallacy? When you said he will connect with this board a lot. Hes gonna have a lot of air