Poker Strategy Info And Source:
In this hand we have pocket kings and flop an overpair, however, we get donked into on the flop. Bart gives his thoughts on how he would play the hand in order to get max value.
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Source: YouTube
what bart said
If you’ve seen villain donking a lot, doesn’t that mean he’s donking a weak range? I don’t understand how hero can think villain might be strong here.
I dont agree with Bart, tbh. KK really isnt always the best hand on the flop. Alot of ( bad ) players on these stakes will donk on this flop with weak flushes, straights and 2 pairs. See it all the time. ( Still have to call, though. Especially with the K of spades. )
Most times when people donk small in low stakes game they have a marginal hand and are setting their own price. They think they can be ahead but don’t want to fold and don’t want to face a big bet. On this board I see this same lead from villains with 56, 67, 77, 88, As6off. Occasionally people bet small on flops with strong hands but not on the turn people like protecting their hand in small stakes so when he leads small again it’s a huge sign you are ahead
"It sounds to me that this villain doesn't have a balanced donk leading range."
Bart, they are playing $2-$3. There are not many players who are balanced at all. Especially not with their donk leading range.
what does 'effective' mean when one says I'm $300 effective?
I would fast play this and look to get all the money in on the turn. I would not even waste time thinking to much about, what he might have. Its a 4,5 SPR pot, and we have a strong overpair plus the second nut flush draw against a player, who sound to be pretty bad. So lets just do it and get it in.