Poker Strategy: Qs Qc gets Check raised 3 bet pot

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In this hand the Hero has QQ in a three bet pot and down bets a ragged board. He gets check raised and then the board runs out with two over cards. Should he turn his hand into a bluff at the end?

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Graphics – Peter O’Neill
Edited by – Anita Lai

Source: YouTube

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Poker Strategy: Qs Qc gets Check raised 3 bet pot

10 thoughts on “Poker Strategy: Qs Qc gets Check raised 3 bet pot

  1. Preflop Raise-call with 32 early position seems bad…does he really think he's good enough to outplay you out of position with three high in 3 bet pot?

  2. 1K cap at 5-10 there? I’m shocked that it’s so small compared to other 5-10 games elsewhere

  3. Easy call on the flop as we are very exploitable if we elect to bet-fold near the top of our range here, we actually bet too little in the first place ($180 into $310 denies a good price to float candidates like AK/AQ/KQs and usually forces them to fold, but not $110 into $310), and we are deep enough that we can simply re-eval the turn. As played, not sure why we call the turn given how many bluffs like A5s and A4s got there and we actually cannot think of any comprehensive holdings that would bluff – this is where Hero’s thought process really begins to deteriorate and become incoherent to someone like myself. River is one of the easiest checks behind you’ll ever find in a spot like this one.

  4. i'd be a bit concerned if he was already betting and the ace didn't slow him down…wouldn't that seem to rule out hands like 44-JJ? he could have like A2 or A3, or some kind of weird 45 maybe? not a spot i'd be loving

  5. I don’t like the turn call.. literally all the semi bluffs got there 54, A5 and A4… I’m snap folding QQ ott.

  6. Why do people call in and ask someone to analyze a spot where someone had some rag hand? This happens so rarely in these games that it's not even worth looking at. You just document in your head that this guy is a mad man and adjust your play. This could be a good call in if the guy had 22, 33, 44, 55, A4s, A5s, AXs. To analyze his play in general, there are only certain hands he can be check-raising here on the flop and continue betting with. Those include 22, 33, 44, 55, A2s, A4s, A5s, 45s, 56s, AXs. He is not check-raising with 77-QQ and then firing when 2 overcards come. He would just check and hope to get to showdown, and he can only keep firing after a check-raise if he's already there or he picked up equity. There isn't a training site in the world that will lead you to figure out he has 23 here. So to sit here and ask how did this happen? There really is no solving this mystery.

  7. Learn and stop the call in insanity. When a person like this shows strength, you need to fold.

  8. calling a 3b with small cards is extremely disrespectful, they do not know how many times they will be crushed postflop

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