Poker Strategy: Recognizing Blockers With Pocket Aces

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In this hand we flop an overpair with aces on a paired board and have to look at the suits of our cards to figure out how many combos of trips we may be up against.

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Graphics – Peter O’Neill

Source: YouTube

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Poker Strategy: Recognizing Blockers With Pocket Aces

10 thoughts on “Poker Strategy: Recognizing Blockers With Pocket Aces

  1. there is no JX in V's range OTT imo, his turn sizing was a 'please call me' bet I think, I think he slows down w/ JX after getting his info OTF, and if he was looking to bet his JX OTT to deny equity to a FD then why would he bet so small ? same goes for FD's ; he would jam his FD's OTT most likely , it is not easy to fold Aces in real time , but after watching the video play through and thinking about it , it looks like strictly 2X

  2. I've changed my thinking in spots like this – in live play. If you've played with this guy for few hours, you should have a sense of him. Could he have a deuce? Sure. Does he have a deuce? Well… that depends. Some players are never bluffing here at this level. What is he bluffing into a 4 way to the flop? For stacks? A bluff? This guy? He plays 4-5 suited to nail flops and crush the dreams of AA. That's this guy. So, I forget figuring out if he's got a deuce. Here, he's got NO value bets that he is overplaying. He either weirdly has JJ, or some 2. There are people who play anything suited on the button to standard open. K2, Q2, J2…. same guy who plays 4-5 or 3-5 suited when he shouldn't. So, as I don't see him having any value bets that I beat, and I don't see THIS guy really having any bluffs as played, I call the check raise and then when he sells it on the turn, I fold. You don't make money hero calling at 1-3 or 2-5. Not unless you have a reason to think the guy is over bluffy. Sure, a "pro" knows that I have AJ or an over pair and once in a blue moon JJ. All hero has in his range is a pair. Or JJ. So a really good player will recognize that and have a good amount of bluffs that make is hard to call with a pair and hard to fold the best overpair. Thinking about the blockers here – very insightful and I think correct, if Garret Adellstein is putting me all in. But this guy's not him or anywhere close. If the villain is a fish who has constantly overvalued is hand – called down for stacks w/ top pair any kicker, etc, then yeah, you gotta call and it bad when he has it. If he's an agro player who's bluffing at every big pot he's in – you gotta call and it bad when he has it. But here, fold it bro. I'm still a "losing player" – but much less than I was – still working at coming up. At least I realize I'm not just "unlucky" now….

  3. Great analysis! Something new for me. Congrats! Noone says tips secrets like this. So many books, so many videos, so many coaching sites and software and at the end nothing at all. Again congratulations amazing tip!

  4. Cant fold here,only 2 value hands that beat you against a few flush draws and TP is possible,he could be a total spaz,I remember reading in slanskys books about rasing in a multiway pot to get heads up v the pfr with what could be 2nd best hand.a lot of people still play badty like that and are stuck in the old "raise or fold" mentality,So just call down.

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