Poker Strategy Info And Source:
In this hand we run a big bluff with the nut flushdraw. Bart gives his thoughts on the hand and if he thinks this is a good spot to try and get our opponent to fold.
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Source: YouTube

"How would you play this hand differently?"
Caller has to be a troll
LOL – I want in on this game.
Watch at 1.5x speed to not get bored, fun action on the river.
remember your firebending basics prince zuko, they are your greatest allies.
This is a great analysis, Bart. These short call in videos are invaluable imo
OMG!!!!!!!!! Ultimate donk move…he could so easily have AcXc there, or pocket queens, or a slow played boat or quads….
Amazing how bad people play
WTF? lol why go all in on the river and not just bet pot? And how does the other guy call? I don’t think the guy is a troll based on his voice.
The shove on the river looks like a missed spade draw more than a monster. My guess is the villain had a live read on the hero. On one of these phone calls I'm waiting for Bart to yell out, "He called a 2x pot river bet with 2nd pair? What the love did you do in previous hands at this table???"
Bart when you talk about check raising flop if one of the field players bets, wouldn't you be worried about them having a hand like 88-10s? And what about random 7s like 67s, 78s, 97s and even 75s is reasonable in a 1-3 game.
Lol this is an example of $1/2 at my local casino… Bananaland Poker at its finest. Stupid shoves Crazy calls, its insane play at a daily basis. Thats why extremely TAG & Extremley str8 up face up poker works its because bad like this is happening Nonstop. This hand is $1/$2 at its most typical, you are navigating through a loveing jungle, Nothing makes sense & unbelievable hands are tabled at showdown lol.