Poker Strategy Info And Source:
CLP subscriber Chris calls in with a hand where he faced a turn lead and discusses the pros and cons of trapping with the nut flush.
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Source: YouTube

The graphic doesn't quite align with the actual hand
From 9:40 If you knew that someone only raised on the turn with non-nut flushes but not nut flushes, wouldn't that be exploitable?
I would have tanked for about a minute and a half and then shove all in on the turn! I'm pretty sure giving the way the action went that one of those guys had at least a set.
If you have the nut flush and they bet on the turn only move is to call, what are you afraid of, if no more money was to be made then why not just call and see the river since they are drawing dead. Too much thinking may have cost you some money on the river
Think about playing ur range vs stronger thinking players and regs. I dont believe the players called described are these type of players.
All this action with flopped nut flush, this bad even real???
This call in seem a bit results oriented. If the board had paired on the end, and Hero had lost his entire stack to a boat, Hero would likely have asked, if he should have shoved the turn for protection.
What helps you with balance here is think of all the hands here where you have that ace of hearts, but your other card is anything but a heart, there are a lot of combinations of that type you could raise here (probably to 700 minimum) and get hands to fold that are way ahead of you, like that king jack. So you can have balance here very reasonably.
If we are getting called almost always here then we are raising for value almost always, no other way around it, Bart is right we cant semi bluff a huge amount with one card to go if we are always getting called.
In 1-2 I never raise in this spot. I want that 4th heart to hit just in case if one of the opponents has a heart.. I'm smooth calling all day in this spot in a default situation. Why stop the guy from betting into me with the nuts on the turn. Now if he leads out again on the river I'm shoving.