Poker Strategy Info And Source:
In this hand we flop top two pair but when the turn pairs the board and our opponent raises it is possible that we are beat.
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Source: YouTube

yup, a set of trays … very ugly … he's got a 3 in his hand.
A3o …?!?!?
eeeeeeeee, never folding. wow.
the initial flop bet of Hero should have been much larger in my view.
Maybe make an exploitive fold with a live read.
Rule #1 of Live lowstakes NL: They’re not bluffing”
(Especially the 1/2 player pool in Columbus)
@crushlivepoker @barthanson just finished listening to all your cash play loved the interview with samoleus .
I have a question about this. You say that this isn't a good opportunity to semi bluff with Adxd. What range would you assign V for a play like this? There are 10 AK/KK/AA combos out there, How many other combos including overplayed combo draws can there be for this to be a good c/r?
Given the action I can see pretty much any ace double barreling this board thinking they're charging a flush draw. Considering that a lot of people like to open any Ace doesn't the turn c/r start to become very profitable considering you're up against a 3 out draw in many cases?
Shout out to the caller, Hollywood Columbus, my home casino. I was not the V in this hand. LOL.
Although every table/player is different, with having literally thousands of hours of table time at this specific casino, I would normally make an exploitable fold here when we face a c/r on the turn. Of course I wouldn't make the fold against everyone, and would have played the hand the same as the caller against players that I feel are competent and capable of making big bluffs, but having a V take this line on this board in a 1/2 game in Columbus Ohio is almost always 3x or a boat. The only bluffs here are combo draws, and someone turning that into a turn c/r bluff when the board pairs is SUPER RARE. In theory, of course Bart is right, but 1/2 is so far below what Bart plays and it's just a different game. Bart tends to always advise to "call" in these spots "because it's 1/2", but as someone who is a regular 1/2-2/5 player my opinion is the exact opposite. Plays like this are almost always the effective nuts unless you've seen something previously from the villain to tell you otherwise.
V CR with As xs…call…agree fold D on river call anything else