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In this hand we flop a set as the PFR and get check raised from the blinds. Should we just flat the raise or put more money in now?
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Graphics – Peter O’Neill
Source: YouTube

I was just watching the Live at the Bike live stream too. I can't get enough.
If I was villian id be so happy to get stacks in with AJ. Thinking you were over playing AK. Stacks are getting in here on the turn anyway. Only scare cards for him is KorQ…If you are running into the same people. You do need to start balancing your range(vs good/thinking regs) against them and I believe that is the biggest thing to consider in this hand moving foward against this villian. Call flop c/r. You would be with pretty much the rest of your range. He may find a fold in the furture in this spot if he is as good as you say.
I like to flat a check raise on the flop in position. Here is why. No matter how reg or competent a player is, there is always a chance he is just blasting off with a draw or some crazy bluff. Maybe his dog died. Maybe his wife is running around with the gardener. Maybe he just lost a big sports bet. I see it all the time. If he has top 2, he is going to fire big on the turn. If it is a crazy play, he will bluff big (probably all in.) If he was just probing with something like ak, he will likely check. Then you can bet small in both turn and river and try to milk it for maybe 80% of his stack.
I find that decent 2-5 players are better at making hero folds (a8 or j-8 here) to a reraise than they are at folding something like ak to a $150 bet with $600 in the pot.
I also like to just call the check-raise in position. Its still very easy to get all the money in on the turn and river, and I also like to give MP a chance to come along and put another 190$ in the pot with whatever, he have. Bert have a very good point, that you want to make your hand look like AK, which is reluctantly calling. That is more valuable and will induce more mistakes from both opponents than trying to represent a bluff and deny equity to MP, when so few draws are available.
I don’t really see the point of a call in like this. I mean top two against bottom set is pretty much a cooler and it’s going to get all in no matter how you play it at this level imo.