Poker Strategy Info And Source:
Ethan ‘Rampage Poker’ Yau has been on a tear recently and has just played the biggest pot of his life – a staggering $188,325!
The villain in this hand is Wesley who is a crypto millionaire and has regularly been buying into the Hustler Casino Live games for over $1,000,000! This man has money to splash and when Rampage asks him if he wants to run it twice he quickly shuts him down.
The hand starts with a raise from Wesley in the cutoff with Alex Goulder, a British professional, calling in the third blind. Rampage decides to defend his straddle with pocket eights. An action flop that gives all three players a big piece means fireworks were bound to happen!
Both Rampage and Wesley get all the money in on the flop. Rampage has a set and Wesley has top pair, a flush draw and a backdoor straight draw.
Will Rampage win the biggest pot of his life? Find out at the end of this video!
Check out the new collaborative course between Brock Wilson & Ethan ‘Rampage Poker’ Yau here:
Thank you to Hustler Casino Live for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their amazing YouTube channel here:
This video is brought to you by PokerNews; the world’s top poker information source. Live reporting, online poker room reviews, strategy tutorials, freerolls and bonuses.
#pokerstrategy #rampagepoker #hustlercasinolive
Source: YouTube

What is the largest pot that YOU have ever won? 🤑📈
Largest pot I ever won was 14k in a 5/10/20/40 where I ran a spewy bluff, got it all in vs AA on the flop with a flush draw and binked it on the turn.
I love flops where everyone gets a piece of the action.
$35k. Lost. KK on K8242. Yup. Quack quack.
Back when I used to play on stars in the microverse stakes, I actually won a $198 pot in .10/.25 😂😂
I won a $1500 pot at 5/10 when I rivered a straight and he hit top 2.
I rarely play 5/10 and don't like to play particularly deep, so I don't win a ton of huge pots.
The biggest pot I played was my literal first hand ever playing live casino poker! Ended up getting it all in 100bb and calling it off with a bluff catcher. All I wanted was a couple easy pots to ease my way in, but things escalated real fast 😂
2/2 PLO. Max buy in is 1k. Ended up in a huge 8k pot 3 ways all in on the turn. I end up with 3 rd nut straight (AK flush draw that missed the flush would have made a straight on the river but) both players mucked. One had 4 pairs on the turn and couldn’t hit a boat, he said this. The other player had what I assumed was a missed FD.
this guy is the biggest sun runner i have ever seen.
my biggest win is small $158 not that much but it was good