Poker Strategy Info And Source:
Most small stakes players I talk to want to know how to improve quickly and what they need to do before they can move up in stakes. This video by Justin ‘JustGTO Saliba’ covers some of the most important things that you have to consider to do just that!
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#Poker #PokerCoaching #JonathanLittle
Source: YouTube

What did you learn from this video that will help you improve your poker game and move up the stakes in 2022?
I feel like I'm improving but I've had bad runs on multiple hands where I was favored to win so now I'm actually down like $75.
I follow youtubers, hand reviews and analysis. Was doing quizzes a lot but most are for mid-high stakes games, and I had a problem with Lexi Gabins quizzes because she constantly tells you to bet in clear fold situations where it's obvious what the opponent has.
I loved the other quizzes and most of the content on your site, Jonathan, but I can't afford $100 a month when I'm not even making anything significant.. Maybe one day I'll befriend a pro poker player and they can teach me more but I'm just gonna keep learning from experience and trying more tournaments instead..people play absolutely terrible hands and if you can win a few big hands you can coast to the final table.
What is a good tip to make friends? Always had such a hard time with that.
Solver. I'm fave 70,60,55%. I lose all three all ins. How can I just win one of them….. 😂 😂 😂.
I am fairly new to TX Hold ‘Em. Trying to learn to be better.
Etiquette Question: Can you have notes at a table or is that not allowed?
For example: I have a chart for me on what to do at Early, Middle, and Late positions. Is it okay to have that available to me at a table?
Im having one of these nights too been studying for months and improving but now getting wrecked in .25 buy in mtt on acr lol. my first mtt i got 6th place in before i started studying i think cause i bluffed more and was more agro.
Josh was never even close to being close to world champ in chess
Every time I play I go over all the pots I was in and what I did wrong or did right and how I could had maybe squeezed more money or if I didn't know what to do…….. I carry a note book and keep everything written down ……….. I will also go over it by calling one of my friends that plays really well. I have been doing it this way for 17 years and I took a 5 year break recently and just came back and this has been the hardest due to just the feel for the game … I think feel for the game is a big deal also ….. but Thursday I finally almost got back to even I was negative 6k after my 6 sessions back
the entire video put exactly what ive been telling myself I need to do on a professional and well worded way by a professional. I signed up for the free challenge and hoping I learn a thing or two or three!
Thank you so much for this video. I realize my bankroll is too small for the mtts I've been playing and that's giving unnecessary stress on my games. Extremely helpful