Poker Strategy Info And Source:
Top pair with a straight draw is not always as strong as it appears. Sometimes it is best to just try to get close to the showdown.
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Source: YouTube
![Top Pair + Straight Draw [POKER STRATEGY]](
So glad that you are back to doing hands again. Is there going to be a little coffee later today?!
I heart JL
Great video. Spots like this cross me up a lot. On one hand, this is a great board to range bet since its unlikely either of the blinds as any set or AJ (they should have 3-bet). I can get value from worse K's, Q's, JT, Q9, T9, any Jx and all flush draws. My hand also benefits from some protection from all these draws. I won't be getting any more value if my draw fills so getting value now seems like a good idea. On the other hand, there's not much incentive to blow the pot up at this point. I'm not thrilled to get x-raised, have to call at least once and maybe get blasted off on for another 2 streets. It's not a good flop for either blind to x/r on but more often than not, villains don't know that. So, my question is, "what assumptions are you making about the player pool when you walk into tournaments in the $1000-$2500 buyin range? Do you expect them to understand ranges and theory?" My assumptions vs various populations in tournaments seems to be way off.
Do you think Villain had QJ/Q9 here?
Nice vid thanks. This is a common spot in the tournies I play and as usual Im too tight most times.
Thanks for the advice. In the 1/2 game I play a check/raise on the river is NEVER a bluff yet still gets called by marginal made hands.
What is #1 thing that is currently giving you trouble in your games? (I'll go through and comment on all the topics to see if I can help!)