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Source: YouTube

Happy birthday! you have helped out so much I can't thank you enough.
20 bucks is a done deal sir
good score when did you play this 109 sir and why is the starting stack is 3k?
This is probably the best video youve made… simply because you cover player stats including your own.
That gives players a great idea of the fold/check/bet/raise percentage that they should realistically expect to play in most situations.
I cant say that I would act exactly as you did in these situations….but most of the time I would have done exactly the same thing for exactly the same reasons.
The tournament review starts at 12:40
24:00 on wisdom through and through, fish and donks at bill perkins fish house should have to listen to that on repeat upon going to sleep and upon wake up
Unless of course any of you" poker teachers " log in to my PokerStars account and actually manage to win this big, then I'll just keep away from all online poker especially at PokerStars for the rest of my life 😉
Do u ever talk about anything other than poker?
Uve taught all my brain can use atm. Doing great ty btw.
So yeah do u have any interests outside poker that maybe might matter like real world bad like who runs it, why they run it like this, who r they. Have u had any paranormal experiences?
Cheers tod
Fatima is from my country lol nh