Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
In this live poker webinar, I am going to share with you 3 mistakes to avoid to crush small stakes poker cash games!
It is important to understand that most players at the small stakes will have many leaks in their game. You must pay attention to what is happening in each poker hand regardless of whether you are involved or not. This will give you key information into your opponent’s tendencies and their weaknesses.
You can start to maximally exploit your opponents once you have identified specific weaknesses in their poker game. This is the way you will start to crush small stakes cash games for a much bigger win rate. Game Theory Optimal is always a good foundation for your poker game but you will be leaving plenty of dollars on the table at the micro stakes if you do not deviate from this poker strategy.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced poker player, these exploits will help you to take your game to the next level. So if you’re ready to start winning more at the poker table, be sure to watch this video!
On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!
In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.
Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?
As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.
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#smallstakespoker #pokerexploits #pokerstrategy
Source: YouTube

Jonathan, can you do a review on the Nik – Jungleman – Lodge live hands where AQ comes up in 2 different hands for Jungle and there's a lot of disrespect going on? I would like to see some other poker influencers discuss this set of hands to remind people to be respectful at the table. Jungle, Nik, Doug, and other table members were all out of line. Nik calling Jungle his Bit.. twice, Jungle knocking chips over, Doug asking what a different player had in a previous hand from the live stream studio, and the whole table yelling about nothing while 2 players are having a high stakes leveling war. It was a very sad moment for live streamed poker in my eyes.
man the chat rlly bogs down the video. probably fast forwarded through 25 minutes of John having to explain away a seemingly infinite number of gambler logic myths. I get theyre your audience and you probably want to help them or you need to engage with the live viewers for SEO reasons but idk I think the video quality would go up a lot if you ignored the stupid comments which would almost certainly improve your watch time stats which could be an even bigger SEO optimization b
Love Jonathan's polite, but blunt interactions with the chat.
Dingleberry, don't play poker, you think about it so wrong from jump
…I thought he was just derogatorily calling someone dingleberry
Thanks for sharing your knowledge 💫☮️💫
So, it's a bit like tax really. When you pay high 'rake' it doesn't matter how many hands you win you are not getting rich….because the house says so.
3 betting wider and more often at a 1/2 on friday nite hardly is a winning strategy. U appear as a loose maniac and turn every drunk villain into a calling station and u end up having to fold out. GTO at a low stakes is crap
so, just a question I have, I am playing 1-3 and the rake is 10% cap 6$ is that high rake, normal rake, low rakeor depends on avarage pot size? I did some research but I didnt found much, actualy I found a lot about of how NY and Cali has stupid prohibited rakes, not much more then that.
A question that I haven’t seen really anyone talk about even though I assume it’s pretty straightforward is when your 3 bet bluff gets called, how do you proceed post flop? Do you keep up the aggression more often or just kinda give up? Obviously it’s different on certain boards and if you hit something or not but I was just curious on some general insight