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Source: YouTube

You can join the PokerCoaching 3-Betting Challenge for just $7 and go through structured content every day for 1-week to improve your 3-betting skills. Join the challenge below!
nice video dude
Will you be adding the Challenge to the Website? I am already premium member and want to access this program.
Personal question Johnathan. Do you know a person by the name of Daniel Weisberg?
If you three-bet a man, he is going to call 100% of the time with 100% of the hands that he raised. The problem is, he limps almost all his hands, so when he does raise, it's exactly QQ-KK. He would slowplay AA by limping it, and he would limp AK "because it's not a made hand." So, when you 3-bet, you're against QQ or KK, and if you c-bet, he will call, because he puts you on ace-king, which missed. Now if the flop is ace-high, he might call one flop bet but then tank-fold after staring you down for ten minutes on the turn. If you triple-barrel a blank board, he will be unhappy because he knows that you could have aces, but he will deal with this problem by talking a lot, pump faking, hemming and hawing, etc., so that he does not look stupid if you show him aces, but he is still definitely calling. Then, afterwards, if you did have the aces, he can ask the table for sympathy and talk about how there was nothing he could do.
But, if you 3-bet him with QJo, then your triple-barrel with your gutshot is going to make him look like a GENIUS. This old man will show that he saw straight through you, whippersnapper.