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During the High Stakes Poker Cash Game at Texas Card House, this insane and painful poker cooler happened of FLUSH over FLUSH over FLUSH for a massive poker pot of $60,000!
Watch the full hand here –
See the amazing run that Trick Time made during this session here –
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This is a real poker cash game with real money like you see in casinos all around the world. This is TEXAS POKER, where Texas Card House is a legal poker social club where there is NO RAKE like in a Casino. Members join and pay a club access fee for their seat. All the money on the table (including this $300,000 in this high stakes cash game) goes only to the players of the game. Texas Card House Live featured on many poker vlog. If you enjoy poker games like you see on Hustler Casino Live, WSOP, World Poker Tour (WPT), Live at the Bike, Poker Stars, Garret Adelstein and Poker Go – you can play on the TCH LIVE Stream!
Source: YouTube
Nice 👍
I've been in a hand with 4 people who had the flush. Couldn't believe it. I was 3rd best. 🙂 It's technically possible to have a 5 player flush over flush situation but I couldn't imagine the odds of that happening.
Happened last week to me lol. 9 10 of spades I had. Flop Ks Js 4s. One guy jams with 5s6s, I re-jam for slightly more, guy right next to me snaps with As8s LMAO. Just absurd.
Nate's call is a yikers
That's what happens when you get an unshuffled deck in a card game, be aware it can happen when a new deck is put in the game
isnt this from like a year ago
4-high flush and you can't fold? Goes to show you might as well always shove the nuts regardless if it's 100x the pot because someone always calls.
Definitely NOT a cooler vs cooler.
It was the nuts vs an easy fold.
These poker dork children are truly intolerable
"Oh I have a diamond blocker". And 3 people hit flush. People use the absolute dumbest lingo. He can not possibly have a flush because I have 1 diamond. Smfh