Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
Here are my 7 simple ways to improve at poker quickly. If you are struggling to win consistently in poker, try out these 7 quick poker tips.
My free poker cheat sheet:
My best selling poker strategy books:
The PokerTracker HUD I use:
How to setup your poker HUD in less than 5 minutes:
My #1 recommended advanced poker training program:
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All the best at the poker tables 🙂
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The poker strategy advice in this video is for educational purposes only. If you choose to play poker for real money, please always play responsibly and within your limits.
Source: YouTube

Have you tried any of these 7 poker tips? Also, check out my secret to making the PERFECT bluff:
I've been TAG for years. I really struggle against the monster 4 bets LAG players use in position. Seems like any table I play the competition is insane. Respect to you and any other person out there making solid profits.
As a corollary to tip #7, not taking the game too seriously, remember that you will learn far more in life (and poker) from your failures and setbacks than from your successes.
I Improve my game when I watch your video on YouTube)
No disrespect but all this info you've discussed before and in 2022 is essentially public knowledge even to recs, most recs even know what a solver is.
Hey Nathan! Ive found your channel recently and i really dig the hand review videos for micro stakes. Any chance you can bring those back at some point?
At lower stakes (1/2, 2/5) should we just fold any hand when facing a raise if we can’t beat two pair plus?
That's why regulated markets suck. In Germany for example, on Pokerstars you can just opt-in to play a certain limit (4 tables max) and not a particular table and not even a particular seat. You just have to get lucky to get a table with a fish and have a favorable position against this particular player. The only good alternative is playing Tournaments, but these take long. And SNGs seem to be pretty dead (or fishless) even from lowstakes up.
Hi Nathan, love the videos! Hey, quick question: I'm getting ready to buy your two books, but I am wondering–in a non-HUD allowed world that we seem to be entering, are your books still going to be relevant? I know that you have traditionally used HUDs alot and you reference them in your books. Any thoughts on this? I'm on Ignition and they don't allow them, and many other of the reputable sites are going that way too. Thoughts?
thank you for these videos, i am going through very bad downswing and i am very confused to the point that i afraid to play my hands.