Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
Bart Hanson ,from CrushLivePoker, goes over a few sample double board PLO bomb pot hands in his latest training video.
To watch another same training video dealing with a PLO8 cash game go here:
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Source: YouTube
At 14:54 in hand two I neglected to see and or mention in the video that I also am open ended with 89 and have a ten high flush draw. I will note though that the top end straight comes out with a J where KQ is higher. I don’t think it is such a trivial fold then if the turn went bet and raise but it would still be close having very little to no way of winning the bottom board if someone has kings full.
Bart? How do you have a straight to the K? One liners aren't relevant when it takes 2 outta hand holdings? This is Omaha?
10:20 Seems like a very poor strategic decision for villain to show AQ after folding.
Please stop educating people on PLO bomb pots. It’s bad for my EV.
13:49 it's not the nuts right now. AA beats it. It's the second nuts.
Good thing to note as well is that with Q87 not being on the top board unblocking any boat outs for the bottom board is a bonus. Now when the turn and river reveal themselves you can start to widdled down the combos your opponent is repping by what cards are on the board, which ones are in your hand, which ones your opponents mucked based off how many players are at the tbl, and the most important is what position your opponent is in relevance to the action and how that action was presented on each street. Love the content Bart!
I love the analysis. Plo Double bomb pots are definitely extremely interesting. I frequently sit out of bomb pots when I’m first or second to act if I can casually
Bart please don’t be putting videos like this out. We all want the fish and good holdem players to love them up.
422 and 522 is the future of poker..
Also at 7:00 any over card on bottom can make a higher full house so way more than 2 outs. For example if it comes 4437A and hes got ace 4 hes got the better full house. And an overcard is almost guarenteed excluding a 6 or 2 comes