Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
Playing poker “in position” is exremely important and Phil Gordon explains why.
You can buy his Final Table Poker DVD read Phil’s poker articles, listen to his WSOP podcasts and even ask him a poker question at
Also available: Beating Blackjack with Andy Bloch -The former MIT Team Manager gives you the secrets of card counting and more.
Short Game Golf with Jim Furyk & Fred Funk -The #2 Golfer in the World teaches you how to master the short game.
Source: YouTube

@suklo ur not serious are u?
@Josh08Lancer Sometimes it can be advantageous at higher limits. Let's say the board comes 89TJ. Being out of position on the turn in heads up gives you the opportunity to fire out a bet first and put a great deal of pressure, representing a queen or 7. A lot of good players will take advantage of this situation and play the board more than their own cards. Of course I'd much rather be in position, but it can be quite scary playing good players even in position HU with scare cards in HU.
LOL at "expert" insight. Phil Gordon is a losing poker player and more closely resembles an guy.
@suklo What do you expect? It the self-proclaimed "expert", Phil Gordon. The guy is a buck-toothed tool who made his money in technology, yet has no clue about winning at poker.
@4thandinches how do you know for certain that phil gordon is a losing poker player? do you have private knowledge of his bankroll and entire poker history? no you do not. maybe he is a losing poker player but most losing poker players do not have a WPT title to their credit. you are correct on one thing, he has made a decent sum of money in technology and has a stake in FTP as I am sure you are aware, overall in the realm of him vs you in success I would bet that he wins.
@suklo wrong, under the gun is the position to the left of the big blind which acts first before board cards are dealt.
@suklo I think your under the gun as the first player after the big blinder pre flop, and under the gun postflop
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