Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
Taking notes at the poker table is vitally important. You give yourself an excellent learning resource if you are noting the hands that you play at the poker table to use for future study. Watch this poker tutorial video to find out how Jonathan Little efficiently writes his poker hand histories at the tables.
You can also take specific notes about your opponents at the table, this is particularly useful if you are playing cash games at your local casinos where you will often see the same regular poker players every visit. Solid player notes will help you make decisions in future poker hands as you will have extra information about your opponents. Watch this poker video from Jonathan Little to find out how to take the best notes at the poker table!
Jonathan is often asked by his students why they should take notes. It helps you study away from the table and get feedback from friends and other players. If you do have a coach it will help make efficient use of your time with them and also help guide your solver training if you are working with solvers.
Jonathan walks you through exactly how he notes hands at the poker table. He also shares some quick tips that help him write his notes more efficiently that save time. Writing the hand backwards in order is extremely helpful as well as developing a list of labels for player types that you understand. Make sure you are always focusing on what matters!
If you are playing online you should use a piece of poker hand tracking software like Hold’em Manager or PokerTracker. When you are playing live poker you must quickly record all of the relevant information. Find a method of shorthand that lets you write down all of the information about the poker hand that you have just played while the dealer is shuffling. You can use either a physical notepad or a note file in your phone.
0:00 – Why Take Notes At The Poker Table?
2:23 – How To Take Notes At The Poker Table?
4:19 – How Jonathan Little Takes Notes
8:34 – Note Tips That Help Jonathan Little
12:28 – Practice Taking Notes At The Poker Table
12:33 – Poker Notes – Hand Example #1 – QTs
15:26 – Poker Notes – Hand Example #2 – JJ
19:25 – Summary
On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!
In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.
Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?
#pokerstrategy #pokertips #pokeradvice
Source: YouTube

What other information do YOU note at the poker table? 🤔
Hello. Is there any free gto solvers?
as the gto solvers are kinda pricey
what about poker online notes? how can i take notes about my opponents to take some advantage of his leaks
My plan for improvement:
1. Wait for Jonathan Little to come to my house and teach me everything he knows
2. Profit
So far I'm stuck at step #0
I really like not including river results in your notes. Results cloud our thinking.
this video is very underrated. I use ''H'' for Hero instead of ''I'' and ''V'' for Villain instead of ''he/she'' and if there's more than one opponent I just add the position, like ''SBV called BBV raised''.
This is good video, I had headphones and I was talking quietly, thinking nobody was listening but boy was I wrong 😅
Thanks again Jonathon, great advice, especially doing it backwards.
I wasn't that bad telling my story.😂😂
GREAT VID Jonathan!
Im gonna set up a table on my iPhone notes app for all the info—im actually pretty decent at remembering important details—but I know I screw up certain key things. This will help bigtime. I especially like the pre-written H/S/B/P grid idea!