Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
Do you want to learn how to beat micro stakes poker games? Then you are at the right place. The poker pro Johan “Homeros” Sunnanangs teach you how to win poker sit and go’s 2023 in this new video.
In this video he will show how to chrush microstakes sit and go’s (SNG´s). The game format is No Limit Texas Holdem.
This is a great video for beginners who want to start winning money at poker. And it’s also a great video for intermediate or advanced poker players who want to improve their skills.
Thanks for watching!
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About Johan
Johan has play poker for over 7 years and have won over 1 million dollars in tournament winnings.
MTT achievements:
*Won Sunday Warmup 2 times (4 way chop both times) for $37.000 and $33.000.
*He has played final table in SCOOP on Pokerstars two times. One of the events was a $1000 buy in event.
*He has also ended in 8th place in Sunday Million.
*He has also ended in the 4th place in the Swedish poker championchip live. ($1.000 buy in.)
He has also had one of the best win rates in the world during the poker boom years when the sit and go games where really big on Pokerstars.
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Don´t hesistate to contact us is you want private coaching or if you got any other questions for us.
Have a nice day and good luck at the tables!
Source: YouTube
![How to win at poker 2023 [Microstakes SNG]](
thanks. what would be the best way to build a bankroll between the 3 options for online usa sites : 5-10 $ sit n goes, or .25 cash games (4 tables max bovada i use) or 2 tabling .25/ or .5 zoom/ zone poker? thanks!
Could you share your preflop open ranges depending on positions?
Tusen takk, min svenske bror. Jeg har blitt en mye bedre spiller av å følge dine tips.
gotta tell you brah, its more complicated than you present. I admire how you play and I play like you do. I have done so for years. You are legit. I think you make light of the suck outs these morons do on the bubble. Good luck to you. cheers. Major bubble suck outs are huge on ACR and Ignition.
Great video. Do you have a mtt strategy video? Does playing really tight also apply in mtt in early stages? Thanks!
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More video like this well played
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Thanks again for the video! Regarding low-blind play in micro stakes SNGs, when stacks are still deep, I'm wondering how tightly one should play. I understand that playing very tight is usually being recommended in the video, but oftentimes many players are ready to go all-in (e.g. on the flop) with top pair, middle pair, or even bottom pair. Thus, would it make sense to seize this opportunity (due to huge implied odds) by limping wider (especially in late/middle positions) with e.g. suited connectors, hoping to flop 2-pair or other monster hand. In addition, many players have also other exploitable tendencies, such as fit-or-fold approach on the flop after limping and getting isolated. Of course, playing around with the stack for small gains may also decrease the stack size. What are your thoughts on this? Would it still be more important to secure a decent stack size for a potential double-up?
Why did you fold the flopped flush in 12:51