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We are back, baby! Continuing with high stakes cash games against the world best and finishing with coaching session from the BBZ.
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Source: YouTube

i am appreciating how complex and intricate this game is. Making me want to understand it more.
They use our chips for coasters.
honestly it would be pretty sick if you started -15k then, through the coaching and improvement, grind all the way back even and into profit. Would make for a great series and journey
Listen, the time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.Mark 1:15 Please think about it. Believe in God's son Jesus today, repent/believe, he died for you. Believe before the rapture. For He Himself is our peace. Ephesians 2:14 Love
Don't set your hope on the uncertainty of wealth, but on God, who richly provides us with all things to enjoy. 1 Timothy 6:17
In minute 40, BBZ talks about having a lot of flushes in your range on the river. On the turn Villain bet 75% pot. What flush draws of yours check call this large bet with a FD out of position?
You should put a profit/loss thing at the end of your videos
10-20 is highstakes now? Clickbait title.
great more cash game thx
When using GTO wizard to study the AJo hand my outputs are different, is shows almost only small check raises on the flop and 50-100% bets on turn with only a small amount of over bets. Is there a reason my outputs are different?