Is the Poker Dream Dead?

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New poker players and veteran high stakes players alike often ask if the ‘Poker Dream’ is dead, Poker Pro Phil Galfond has thoughts on why it is NOT!

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The Poker Dream has never been a straight path, but Poker Pro Phil Galfond is confident it will continue to be a viable one until we all have AI Poker Solver bots on chips in our head.

Black Friday, poker solvers, poker bots, and so many other events have had negative effects on the poker community, but there have always been poker games available and room for poker players to advance if they put in the hard work.

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Source: YouTube

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Is the Poker Dream Dead?

10 thoughts on “Is the Poker Dream Dead?

  1. Online cash game is definitely dead! They are not alot of newcommers to the game. The ones that play are more like pro or semi pro.
    I don't know about USA, but in the Netherlands there is only one place where you can play live and they have like two tables.

  2. I just feel like bc the skill floor online is so high, if you’re broke, there isn’t this straight forward path where you learn the basics, save up $50, play the lowest online stakes, and earn enough money from that to start investing in your poker studies and move up stakes. It feels like you need hundreds if not thousands to be able to get access to the kind of guides/courses/solvers u need to even turn a profit. Either that or I’m just in a crazy downswing very early in my career. 😅 bc even studying free resources every day and taking notes, with a solid preflop strategy i know well, 5nl is a complete warzone for me. I can easily earn or lose $20-$40 in an hour. and I just cant even afford to play every day to get enough experience to understand the game better if I can lose $20 overall in a day you know. And live is definitely easier for sure so the variance might be less intense but the swings are 20x more extreme.

  3. yes its dead. stop lying to these people, phil and jeremiah. you want to be a poker superstar? better get good at networking and/or being a youtuber / streamer.

    Let's be honest phil, when you came up, money flowed from the skies and tons of people were making high 6 / low 7 figures a year with barely any studying.

    Now? To make anywhere close to 6 figures a year (online or live), you need to study a ton and you need to be ahead of the curve. Very few people make high 6 / low 7 these days and the ones that do are the elite players of the poker field (on a long term basis / not counting tournament scores which are akin to playing the lottery).

  4. These days, any person beating $50NL would beat $500 NL back from 2002 to … 2010(ish).

  5. the poker online dream is dead for anyone who is an american and/or anyone who lives in any place with a medium cost of living. you can definitely do it if you're in a country where it cost like 10$ a day to make it.

  6. Live poker is alive and well. Honestly, so is some online poker. Pokerbros has A LOT of loose fishy play at 1/2 and mid stakes tourneys.

  7. On line cash games are become so disgusting in nowadays. They are filled with poor nit grinders Even from nl25 they play for a living. .so miserable poker era…

  8. Just remember, it is Phil's incentive to tell you the dream is still alive, even if he doesn't necessarily think so himself.

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