Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
If you are a tournament poker player looking to make that transition into the wonderful world of cash games then look no further as PokerCoaching coach Alex ‘Assassinato’ Fitzgerald walks you through exactly what you need to know in order to immediately start crushing at the cash tables!
In poker tournaments, players are rewarded for firing their chips in constantly. The blind and ante structure is severe. Picking up orphan pots is immensely important. In this environment, attacking and sometimes reckless poker is rewarded. For these reasons, many tournament players get used to playing loose and aggressive constantly.
In cash games, there’s less money in the middle of every pot. This means that there is less incentive to steak with weak poker hands. In this environment, you can play more solid poker hands in position to make your money. You have time to wait for big pots in position.
In tournaments, you have to start attacking quickly. Blinds and antes escalate. You will never really get a great read on your opponents as you will never play that many hands against the same opponent. In cash game poker, you might play with some of the same opponents every single day at your local casino or poker room. In this poker environment you have time to develop nuanced reads against these particular opponents.
While you’re gathering intel, don’t give off information yourself. People have a hard time shaking first impressions. If you play tighter poker when you first get into the game then your opponents will label you as a nit. This is an image that you can use and exploit your opponents with later on in the poker tournament. If you’re playing on a poker site that allows statistical tracking then this is another edge that you can exploit. Play solid poker and collection information on your opponents. When you are not playing you should pull up the statistics that you’ve gathered on your opponents and then you should start drawing up a playbook to beat them.
In tournament poker you are playing against gambling recreational players. They are comfortable with allowing you to take the lead as many of them will not take the initiative in a pot. These players allow you to dictate the terms and conditions of a poker hand, this helps make your poker playing extremely simple!
In cash games, players are comfortable playing with larger stacks. They’re willing to put you to the test more often. You will need to do some poker study away from the tables to get comfortable in these deep stack situations. I can be a profitable play to 3bet vs a button opener when in the blinds. However, this situation will also see you playing out of position more frequently, so make sure you get comfortable playing in these spots!
Once you are comfortable with situations that make other poker players uncomfortable you will have more tools in your toolbox. This will allow you to exploit at the poker table on a more frequent basis.
You can make good money raising with weak hands when players to your left are not 3betting or flatting enough. Your most frequent situation when you engage in this loose play is heads-up pots with the big blind. This is a great situation because your opponent is playing a single raised pot out of position with a capped range. It’s hard to win when you in that disadvantageous situation so over time you will print money as the in position player. However, when you engage in this strategy you will sometimes run into players who 3bet or cold call you when they’re in position. This will make your life more difficult when you have raised with a weaker range.
0:00 – Adjusting From Online Tournaments To Cash Games
1:32 – You Have Time!
7:08 – Start Tight & Then Adjust!
9:41 – Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
14:17 – Table Selection Will Make Or Break You
17:12 – Cash Game Players Can Turn Hands Into Bluffs
On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!
In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.
Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?
#pokerstrategy #pokertournaments #cashgames
Source: YouTube

Mr Little.
Can we have a video on cash games to tournaments? Or should I just watch in reverse 😎
I love this kind of content 🌼😄
I may need a video in the reverse. Im from California so the only poker available to me is cash games.
Yeah what's the use case of going from mtts to cash? It's usually the other way around. Vast majority of mtt players either already come from a cash background or have 0 desire to grind cash to win a couple of buy ins.
Hey jonathon commenting here cause u will read it,
I think u are very very wrong only one time about small stakes games, u repeatedly say that people under bluff which is correct. The reason we do that because people overcall huge river bets with middle pair and bottom pair. I have had a guy calling with 22 to a triple barrel, he didnt have a bloody set obv. Almost all times that i have bluffed , i have only eliminated ace high or very bottom pair, a middle pair always calls. The reason i keep bluffing although they overcall is because i think opponents are getting better at poker so they have the ability to fold a single bloody pair but no never. They know that i know that they know they that i know they are dumb but still i bluff em. I have tripled barreled my stack with a low vpip and a good table image, someone always calles u with middle pair low kicker. U get t a point that u actually get paid so much when u hit ur hand. I raised final table with 2,3 hearts udg, guy calls a10 off on the button, he makes an ace pair and i kick him out with my flush, betting for value is the only possible way to move up, and because u can never always have the best hand with good hands you play garbage suited gappers early position to flop and just double up against kk.