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3456 isn't a gut shot it's open ended
thought you'd get a howl over that. and i wrote it all myself. lol. keep shufflin' them chips. take care, bud…
@yuycgra yeah im soo addicted to online poker, playing with real money actually makes you play properly. you dont need a credit card you can get $8 for free go here >>>
i feel i should point out that the ten bb rule is good for tournaments but i don't think its great for turbo sit n gos. something more like 3 or 4 you should be shoving
im not sure but i think your play with the 93 was relatively weak, allthough it is likely that you arent a big favourite against his range, it makes allmost no sence for him not to shove the flop if he has a nine so the only hand that really beats you is a low two pair, which you still have like 13 outs against, i think 78 or 68 are alot more likely to be his holdings here
@vvoczlr yeah im soo addicted to online poker, i always start with a no deposit bonus. this poker site will give you a real 8 dollars to start get it here =>
I love your commentary on yourself lol! nice vids man! I bet you find you play better when your doing the commentary! Talk yourself through the hands 🙂
To those people who are serious about poker sng's – You have just seen in part 1 & 2 the best described method to make it pro. If you buy the tournament indicator or a tool simular too that you will stand strong in these tournaments.
OP – you just totally organized my poker playing style and I play exactly like you showed in your videos along with the tournament indicator to reveal all the nutcases as well. So to all of you who is flaming the OP who took his time creating a gold nugget for you to watch actually revealed how to be a winning poker player, keep doing what you are doing it means more money for me and thee OP
Sincerely thank you for showing me this – you should actually take this down its to big a secret for people to handle 😉
Thanks for sharing..
8:14 "4 to 1 chip dog" I see you are good at math heheh