Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
Run It Once Pro Paul Atwal shares some tips, strategies, and best practices for optimizing effective poker study.
Source: YouTube

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Thanks for this upload, I like the advice about studying the most common spots first so you don't go crazy with random spots and ideas.
Can you describe your hud stats please?
How do you have such a soft table at 500 zoom? Is this an american pokerstars?
Sounds good to learn the game but honestly nowadays poker its a dead industry.. if u play with proper brm, u cant move up in limits because rng bad u as a role bitch would do in the big book… gold days are over.. now jeans talks about folding full vs a reg.. cmon man .. i dont want learn play this way
Pokerstars fully loaded by russian bots whos plays 24/7 , had a good hud, but you if i cant beat 95/5% situations u r bad.. i played about 30 k hands under a week 6maxplo and im breakeven, i hate this more than a dwnswng, i dont hesitate to search another hobby because u need to sweat blood and grind ur soul out to find some success.. old regs are left poker like jeans89 mrw8419 because its doesnt profitable anymore .. guess what trendy Today?open a poker training site for a hundred bucks per month like run it once or jnandez
Run it Once what is the background music? ive been looking for ages but can't find