Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
Please note that there will be no hand histories in this video; I will bring this back in the next video. We are changing things up in this episode as we dive into a deeper topic of balancing poker with relationships. Check out the five tips!
Also, for those that are less familiar with GTO…this is a poker-related term that stands for “Game Theory Optimal.” In short, GTO in poker refers to playing with a balanced range (of value hands v.s. bluff hands) and having this as a baseline strategy. Hence, “GTO” in the title refers to approaching relationships with the same thought of balance and baseline fundamentals.
Apologies in advance as the camera does get a bit shaky at times. Come 2019, I’ll have new camera gear (hopefully) to help with the overall filming/recording quality and process; thanks for your patience! As always, all comments/feedback are much welcomed. Cheers and Happy Holidays!
My channel:
Christmas Tree Lane
3200 Thompson Ave
Alameda, CA 94501
5 Love Languages Quiz:
Music Info:
Dj Quads – Your Christmas
Source: YouTube

Sage advice my young friend. Happy Holidays and good luck in 2019.
Coming from someone who has been married for 37+ years, you are on the right track 😎
Some things are easier to study and analyze from the outside, and you've provided great advice! Props for sharing your sensitive side.
Great video! I made sure to do number 1 with my now wife of 7 years. Numbers 2-4 were actually on my goal list for the new year! Number 5 is one I hadn’t thought of but I don’t have a ton of poker friends as I don’t have much time outside of poker to spend with “poker people” since I have a full time job in tech as well as a wife and baby at home.
Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
Great video… a unique and revitalizing take regarding elements outside the aspects of poker. Keep up the good work!
Great lecture