Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
Red Dead Redemption 2 – Gambler Challenge Walkthrough Guide – Gambler 4: Bust one Poker opponent out in each location
Red Dead Redemption 2 Challenges Guide Playlist:
Video recorded on: PlayStation 4 Pro
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love that I'm not gonna keep losing money over R*'s badty poker. I'll just sit and play until I bust someone
Wow, after 3 loveing hours of trying, I finally busted someone out at St. Denis Literally 3 hours of losing, killing everyone, loading up the save and trying again. When it finally worked I busted someone out on the first hand. 1 down 2 to go….
Who else is board of listening to the prostitutes in the st denis saloon
And that kids is why you save before attempting these challenge so if you get p*ssed off you can just blast them in the forehead with a sawed-off shotgun
gotta love the manual saves
Gambling in this game is so loveing stupid. Everything is scripted.
All in then skip then I WON WOW
Does it count if I bust MYSELF out?
I mean, technically… Right?
love this stupid challenge
This worked for me. Valentine followed by Saint Denis happened quickly, but Flatneck Station took a while.