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Bencb shares his best poker tip, that will instantly improve the way you approach a hand of poker!
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HANDREVIEW WITH Bencb789 & €urop€an:
3 Tips To EXPLOIT Low & Midstakes:
Raise Your Edge is the premium online tournament poker training system for MTT’s. Our Tournament Masterclass is used by many crushers of online poker including Steffen Sontheimer (Go0se), Jeff Gross, Lex Veldhuis, Jaime Staples, Keven Martin and many more! Developed by the biggest winner in online poker for the last 3 years, bencb789, RYE is built to help win at the biggest stages; including WSOP, EPT, PCA, WPT and of course throughout all major online poker sites!
Source: YouTube

Reviewing my hud I realized that I loose a lot of money playing 3bet pots with AKo and AKs OP, they tend to be sticky hands that end-up in senseless bluffs. It´s common leak among midstake players. Please make a video about it! And thanks for everything Ben, you make great content!
thanks for the great content Ben. i need to get better at folding overpairs and even top pairs. this video helps a lot
you know that bad hit the fan when we're looking for an ev edge with a 30%ev hand that needs 33% in a 25bb effective stack scenario. Anyway first hand I agree, second hand, it's way easier to overbluff, and If we actually fold the top pair..Better not fold top pair from now on ben Kappa. Also might be wrong but without looking into any solutions I feel your JTo hand should be a slam donk flop cbet so we shouldn't even have that hand on turn.
Goddamnit I think I'm a fish in these spots. At least I can work on it now…
AA can bet bigger, since we block AQAJ unblock Kx and most runouts cause oop to calldown Tx while IP have all gutshots.
In second hand on the river diamond draw not bluffing? selected very low bluffing hand, I think so..
What opening ranges should I be folding to 3 bets OOP, calling(if any), 4bet folding. 100BB ( 6maxNL 200-500). Also SB& BB 3Bet and and Defense ranges, check raise barrel vs check raise check ideal situations at different spr. Separately I want to share my appreciation of your positive energy, and your wholistic approach to poker. My NL experience was predominantly 8-9 max live 200-500 BB 2/5, 5/10, 10/10.
Do you play live games.
My sticky thinking is:
He is a good player, so he definitely bluffs me or he is a splashy player, so he definitely bluffs me. I stop to think about board, positions, how the hand was played, but this "bluff" stuff is in my head. And it's not, because I "feel the game" it's just a random "sticker to the player".
Im playing Poker since 2008 and i did ALREADY Folded Aces preflop couple of times…and i ALWAYS were right❗ THANKS Ben for this really important content