Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
Hey guys! I’m trying something new! A quick casual video to watch before your weekend poker battles! What do you think?
Source: YouTube

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You are gorgeous lil lady
Enjoy your videos! Keep up the good work!
Friday payday. Best games.
Be the tortoise, not the rabbit.
My sorry ass managed to bink a tournament score a few weeks back and I played for the first time since yesterday. Took a small loss but only gave 5% of the previous win back. Learning this all too much lately… you gotta take minimal shots sometimes and suppress your desire to play lest you spew back your hard work/the times you ran good. Super gleeful that I’m cutting losses lately and capitalizing on the better moments. GL with your meet-up game!!!!
Great content Kristy don't worry about the editing etc. just make it a regular thing to spread your wisdom. More content is better……
DIS cute 😍 lil 🔥 bitchh 🐕
you have a cute personality
kirsty, you look like you are happier in your life, then 3/4 years ago…..
You could call this blog the Friday Uptilt with Kristy Arnett