Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
There are some very important things to know before moving from online to live poker. 888poker Ambassador Ian Simpson shares some useful information online players need to know before playing live for the first time.
0:00 Intro
0:32 Tip 1
1:05 Tip 2
1:33 Tip 3
2:07 Tip 4
2:39 Tip 5
Want more poker tips, strategies, and free training? Catch up on past episodes here:
Episode 1: Tips to Get Better at Poker (with Kara Scott)
Episode 2: Playing On The Bubble (with Vivian Saliba)
Episode 3: 3-Betting in Position (with Chris Moorman)
Episode 4: Spotting Online Poker Tells (with Sofia Lövgren)
Episode 5: 3-Betting out of Position (with Chris Moorman)
Episode 6: Final Table Strategy (with Dominik Nitsche)
Episode 7: Preflop Raising (with Vivian Saliba)
Episode 8: Preflop Strategy (with Dominik Nitsche)
Episode 9: Slow Playing Strategy (with Sofia Lövgren)
Episode 10: Poker Resolutions To Improve Your Game (with Samantha Abernathy)
Episode 11: 5 Habits To Improve Your Performance (with Vivian Saliba)
Episode 12: 5 Life Lessons From The Poker Table (with Kara Scott)
Episode 13: Improve Your Online Poker Game (with Vivian Saliba)
Episode 14: Hand Selection (with Alexandre ‘Cavalito’ Mantovani)
Episode 15: Mental Game (with Samantha Abernathy)
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Source: YouTube

Do you have any other tips for moving from online to live poker? Let us know!