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Rejoice in the glory that is the words and thoughts of Henry Miller! One of the greatest American writers all time. Your zest for life begins here!
Eddie Pepitone and I celebrate the author Henry Miller, one of the best human examples to follow the path of the artist and smile in the face of struggle.
“The Rosy Crucifixion trilogy is basically about being crucified on the cross of love”.
Learn how the act of creativity is the way to pull out of your darkest moments in life and return to the light. “I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive”. The best writings of Henry Miller should be assembled into a single book and made into the new bible and placed in hotel rooms all over the world. “I want to write something that has real guts. Real hard realism. If every man wrote down what was his real truth the entire world word explode. Open yourself up and be super vulnerable in order to achieve your self liberation. Release the inner angel within! The theory of artistic creativity, when you feel a crisis coming on start writing, express yourself artistically. Charlie Chaplin gave dignity to poverty. Miller’s fascination with exotic far away places in the secret desire to reveal the mysteries and truth of his inner self. In this episode Eddie and I read quotes from the books of Henry Miller spread out on my table and discuss the inspiring thoughts laid out by the zen master of artistic living. “The man of heart believes and the world belongs to the man who believes most.” Regain your faith in life, learn how not to hold anything back and risk everything in order to be the greatest possible version of yourself that will be long remembered when you are gone. This is one of my favorite Smart Camp episodes ever because of the passion that Eddie Pepitone and I both have for the pure beam of inspiring light that was the life and words of Henry Miller.
As the zen masters say the best joy can be found in perfecting your mind and soul and today I give you this powerful pill of knowledge that is Henry Miller book roulette with Eddie Pepitone!
Source: YouTube

because fundamentalist religion is so twisted. I grew up in it. Many now say "God is using an evil man to do His Work." lol in other words, "the ends justify the means." They have answers for everything.
Enjoyed this interview. You ought to come to Asheville, NC to promote your book and give a talk on travel. Take care.
i really enyoyed this re miller. thank you brothers